A Video Game Artisan

I am a video game artisan who dream of making my own video games. In the past of my life, I trained my program engineering skill as a game engine programer. then I acquired computer graphic knowledge and researching skills as a M.S. in Zhejiang University, supervised by Prof. Rui Wang and Yuchi Huo. In the future, I will crash into different thought and technique that outside the computer and sketch out the shape of MY GAME.

Research Interests

I’m instersting in any research that can help artist focus on creativity or expand possibility in art creation. So my research interest including but not limited to: 1. AICG method that can create contents and alleviate the labor of hand-crafting; 2. real-time acceleration algorithm, such as superresolution for real-time rendering, that can enlarge the capacity the contents in virtual scenes or give more alternative trade-off strategies.